This exclusive course enables you to work professionally as a Wildflower Colic & Reflux Consultant - it’s a gamechanger for parents and babies alike!!
It includes a parent handout, a journal to track baby’s cues/ symptoms and a workshop plan plus..
What is colic / reflux - signs, symptoms, diagnosis
Common advice & treatment
Infant Digestive system anatomy & physiology - digestive disorders, infant gut micro biome & the role of enzymes
Feeding - breast/chest , formula & intolerances , weaning
Oral function - tongue tie/ tethered oral tie
Babywearing as a reflux & colic tool
Tummy time as a reflux & colic tool
Massage as a reflux & colic tool
Understanding early cues & communication - crying doesn’t always = pain!
Bonus workshop module - Reflux & sleep
The course also includes access to our closed practitioner group full of support and exclusive offers!
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